My 2 Cents

Archive for the ‘Homemade Hygiene’ Category

I have had lots of comments and questions about my hair lately.  Justto make it perfectly clear, just because I don’t use shampoo doesn’t mean I have turned into a dirty hippie. Not that there is angthing wrong with that if it’s your style.  Even though I’m not using shampoo, I still wash my hair on a regular basis.

I have currently been shampoo free since July 10th, and I am loving it!  My locks feel softer and smoother than ever, and I am happy to say that my whole house is poo-free now.  The other-half cut his hair shortly after I went poo-free, and he hasn’t used anything except baking soda for the past week and a half.  Our little butterfly only gets a rinse anyway when she is in the bath.  No more poo for us!

My hair is fully adjusted now, and is not getting greasy every other day.  I am still using the baking soda cleanser, and the vinegar rinse as I posted in my last update.  They seem to be the easiest to make and the most effective at cleaning and conditioning my hair.

I am currently washing every two to three days.  At first I thought that this was a bit more often than I should be washing, but after further research, I found that the frequency can change seasonally depending upon the weather.  This makes sense!  Just as our skin changes with the seasons (i.e. mine normally gets much drier in the winter than in the summer) so does our hair.  Because of the heat and humidity, and the fact that when I step outside for more than 30 seconds and stand still I am sweating, I must wash my hair more often in the summer.  I am anxious to see how this changes as the seasons change.

I have to admit, the initial adjustment period was pretty gross.  My hair was very “slick” to say the least, and I was sporting a pony tail almost everyday for the first week or so.  I really feel like it was worth it though.  Going poo-free is not only good for our hair, the environment and the bank account, it truly makes life easier.  Only having to wash my hair every few days cuts down on the time getting ready in the mornings!

I do have to say though, that my hair is the definition of straight!  I don’t know if this has made my journey to being poo-free easier, but I would suspect so.  Even with hair as straight as mine, I still used to use a conditioner because of tangles in the shower.  I was skeptical of going without poo because I was afraid my hair would tangle really badly without that conditioner.  I have to say though that I haven’t had many tangles at all.  In fact, it seems even less tangled than before!

If you are interested in going poo-free, check out my previous post for sites and cleansing recipes!



20110719-112737.jpgIt’s my ninth day of freedom, and my hair feels awesome!  I honestly think it feels softer than it ever has before.

I don’t think I’m completely through the transition period, because I have still been encountering some (*eww*) greasiness, but I’ve battled through it.  Ponytails are wonderful!

I have mostly been washing every three days or so with baking soda and water.  Yesterday I tried the “Shampoothie” recipe from Loving it Raw.  It smelled really good, but it was kind of strange massaging chunks of lemon and cucumber into my hair.  And it was hard to wash out all of them (which they said would happen).  It also made my hair EXTRA greasy.  It could be because I am still transitioning though.  I will try that again with a little more lemon in a few weeks and see what happens.

This morning when I washed my hair, I used the baking soda mix to cleanse it.  Then I rinsed.  (The rinse was 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar mixed with 2 cups hot water.)  I actually really liked the rinse.  The only down fall was the smell of vinegar in the shower, which disappeared after I dried my hair.  I like how the rinse made my hair feel, and I think it added some shine to it as well.

The pic to the right was taken a few minutes ago.  (Ignore the bangs, I’m trying to grow them out.)

Okay, I messed up…not the first time, and won’t be the last.

The blog that I referenced in my last entry about going poo free really only gave info. on the author’s experience going poo free.  Don’t get me wrong, A Sonoma Garden is still an awesome blog, and you should definitely check it out (especially if your into gardening, and being green).

I have found some sites that give more info on “how-to” go poo free.  Loving it Raw has some great info, and some super cool shampoo recipes.  I have only been using the baking soda and water recipe, but as I try new ones I will share the results.  Associated Content from Yahoo also has some good info.

Enjoy, and let me know how things go if you decide to go poo free too!

Don’t worry, it’s not what you’re thinking. 

Over the past year, I have been hearing about lots of people going without “poo” (shampoo).  I decided to try it.  I don’t usually use any other products in my hair, and I haven’t dyed it since before Alayna was born.  In my quest to be frugal I figured it might be worth it.  One of the women at work who had done it recommended the blog “A Sonoma Garden” because the author hasn’t used shampoo in a few years, and she has lots of good info about the topic.  (Check out her blog for directions and how to steps for how to go poo-less if you’re interested.)

Anyway, it’s Friday, I haven’t used shampoo since last Sunday, and it’s actually kind of liberating.  The last shampoo was on Sunday, and I didn’t wash again until Tuesday.  My hair was really greasy by the time Tuesday rolled around, and I was a bit skeptical about using the baking soda & water concoction, but it actually really worked nicely.  I used it again yesterday, but only because I was in the pool on Wednesday.  Today is Friday, and I think I’m going to try and hold out until Sunday or Monday before I wash again.  We’ll see how it goes.  There is usually a transition time of 2 weeks to 1 month before your hair and scalp regulate itself and get rid of all of the chemicals from shampoo.  I’ve been sporting a pony tail on the extra greasy days, but it hasn’t been too terrible.  Hopefully this will pay off in the end, I’ll keep you updated!

  • None
  • currans2cents: The original blog that sparked all of your angst was written purely as an OPINION piece. As you stated, we are entitled to have them. I truly am int
  • Mychal B.: It doesn't "seem" like you are only picking on JoePa, you ARE only picking on JoePa. Mike McQueary has received no disciplinary actions against him fo
  • Mychal B.: Um, I never claimed to understand anything about the war. I wasn't aware that the war had anything to do with this case. I also never said that becaus